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RADIOHF - For Sale : as new Penntek TR45 QRP

For sale : penntek TR45 XCVR
CW only up to 5 w or more on 80.40.30. 20 and 17 meters Just recently bought condition AS NEW
they sell with shipping inside USA for 620 USD
I will sell for 550 USD including shipping
in the 48 continental states - Payment by
Cashiers Check or Postal MONEY Order
price is firm ! IT is in AS NEW condition !
This is the " SLIM VERSION" without the
internal battery and Z match tuner -
Much smaller FORM FACTOR, and much lighter !
why am I selling , been a ham for over 60 years
and I am totally used to Large Radios - It just
does not fit my needs
Look at the review by Bob Nagy on U TUBE
Look at the review in a past QST
I can send it to you- Look at the REVIEWS
by actual users under eham QRP- they all
have very positive comments
I can include some extra plugs 1/8" mono
to 1/8 stereo - comes with power cord
thank you

Listing #1675237 by N7XM
Submitted on 02/13/24
Submitted from IP

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