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Ham Radio Books for the Yaesu FT-710 and FT-991A  by ZL3DW
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In an effort to reduce spam and the spread of viruses, we are now providing this form for you to contact a person that has placed an ad on QTH.COM. After submitting this form, an e-mail will be generated and sent to BOTH you and the person that placed the ad. The e-mail will contain a copy of the ad, plus your e-mail information and your comments.


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You are responding to the following ad:

Ad Number:1711555
Date Placed:12/09/24
Name:Brian KING
Phone Number:6018421407
Heading:Dell 15.6” Laptop 8GB RAM i5 500GB WIN10
Ad Message:This is an excellent operating laptop. Windows 10 Pro, Windows Antivirus, VLC Media Player, Microsoft Office Enterprise and more. Normal cosmetics from prior use ie: scuffs on the top and some rub wear on keypad. For inquiries and/or more pictures please email me.
15.6” Wide-screen display 1366X768 Resolution (Not a touch screen)
Intel Graphics 4600
Intel i5- processor at 2.50GHz
Full size “backlit” keyboard with numerical keypad
500GB Hard Drive ATA (Storage)
8GB RAM installed-16GB Max (Memory)
DVD/RW Optical Drive
*This model does not have a built in camera
Wi-Fi, Ethernet, VGA, HDMI, SD Card Reader, Audio in/out combo port, internal speakers, USB ports
Battery holds a full charge-duration not warranted
Dell OEM charger is included
Dell Latitude Model E6540. Stk. No. 1440.
Price is $175 including shipping CONUS. Pay Pal, personal check or MO OK. I absorb PP fees.

Your Response to this Ad:

Due to the amount of non-ham scammers trying to respond to the ads, I am now asking a simple question that ham operators should easily be able to answer, but scammers may not know the answer: What is the number that hams use to represent the phrase "Best Regards"? This number is typically transmitted by hams at the end of a QSO.
Best Regards:

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I agree that I have read KA9FOX's Safe Trading Tips HERE (link opens in new tab).


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