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Amazon Wish List GiftPayPalCredit CardVenmoCashCheckMoney Order

If you like the way the QTH.COM Free Ham Radio Classifieds have worked for you, please consider a small donation. If you've sold an item, I suggest giving 2% of the sale price of your item or $5.00, whichever is greater. If you just want to help out, any amount would be appreciated! I can accept donations in several ways:

Give a Gift from my Amazon Wish List

I usually have a few things on my "wish list" at Amazon.com. Instead of making a cash donation, consider buying one of these items as a gift. Amazon handles everything -- they will ship it to my address, and include a custom greeting from you, so I will know who gave me the gift. It's pretty awesome to get a surprise gift in the mail! :-)

My Amazon Wish List

Check, Money Order or Cash

Mail to:
   Scott Neader, KA9FOX
   N1774 Meadow Ridge Rd
   La Crosse, WI 54601-2589

Please clearly note your callsign somewhere (on check, in or on envelope, etc.)

Make check payable to: Scott Neader

Credit / Debit Card: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club or JCB

To make a donation using Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club or JCB, please use our Secure Donation Form.


Enter in the amount of your donation and your callsign and click 'Donate':

Venmo Mobile Payment

To make a donation using Venmo, send to @Scott-Neader or scan the QR Code below:

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Created and Maintained by Scott Neader, KA9FOX of QTH.COM

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