- IC7610 - Mint condition, Serial #22001959 Less than 5 hours use and one QSO. Late model with updated screen, no scratches, dings and non smoker. Was in box for 2 years and will be delivered in Original box. Can provide references as to credibility of seller.$2650 delivered within 48 states. N4XP 706-340-4229 9AM to 9PM
- Listing #1722965 - Submitted on 03/19/25 by Callsign N4XP - IP: h178.50.186.173.dynamic.ip.windstream.net
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- Collins S-Line station, including 75S-3B receiver, 32S-1 transmitter, 516F-2 power supply, 312B-4 station control, Electro-Voice microphone and complete manuals. Station is from a silent key’s estate, so some testing and work will possibly be required to get everything operating. $1,200 for everything. Station will not be broken up for individual sale..
Collins 30L-1 linear amplifier available at an additional cost. $400 Will consider package price for station and amplifier. This equipment will be available for purchase and pick-up at the Loomis, CA hamfest and swap meet this Saturday, March 22. Funds go to the Valley of the Moon Amateur Radio Club in Sonoma, CA.
- Listing #1722964 - Submitted on 03/19/25 by Callsign WD6BOR - IP: c-73-158-85-148.hsd1.ca.comcast.net
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RADIOHF - For Sale: Xeigu G-106 QRP
- Great little radio, especially for the newcomer or someone just wanting to experiment with QRP. Very clean, looks brand new. Very sensitive receiver works just as it should and full out transmitter using SSB or cw modes. Selling because I have too much stuff and I'm not longer interested in QRP. Comes with original box, stock microphone, power pack and original manual. Asking $160 shipped USPS Priority to lower 48. Sale is final, no returns.
- Listing #1717805 - Submitted on 02/04/25 by Callsign W8QW, Modified on 03/19/25 - IP: dyn-
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RADIOANQ - WTB: Heath SB-110a Parts Rig
- Title pretty much says it all. Looking for an SB-110a parts rig or the "Carrier Generator Board". Whether the rig works or not is irrelevant. Not interested in the tubes or rig cosmetics. If, by chance, anyone has a parts rig available, or who may be parting a 110a out please contact me through this service. Again, I need the "Carrier Generator Circuit board", (part #85-152-1) and perhaps the entire rig if necessary. Thanks and 73's, Dave
- Listing #1714078 - Submitted on 01/03/25 by Callsign W8QW, Modified on 03/19/25 - IP: dyn-
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RADIOHF - Icom IC 7610 Transceiver - as new ! wow
- Icom IC 7610 6-160m Transceiver = Just took out of box - as New !! wow - Read
$2900 delivered - check,Zelle,PP FF ok. Here is the story . About 3 years ago,I bought this awesome radio from GigaParts . I was going to replace my Elecraft k3 with a cool looking modern radio. When it arrived,my house was already in escrow,and I moved to my new qth near san diego. I left it in the box until my home remodel was done. About 1 month ago,I took it out of the box,hooked it up,and made 2 q's with it. I put it back in the box until I decided where to use it. Since then,I bought a home in Maine,and want to remote my K4 both ways. Because of that,I have decided to sell this as new radio. I just put one in my cart at DXE,and it was almost $3600 with tax to buy another one. I am selling this beautiful radio,with manuals,power cord,mic,and double boxed. Please email for more info. Please see pictures for more details. Local pickup ok. Larry k6ro
- Listing #1722962 - Submitted on 03/19/25 by Callsign K6RO, Web Site: http://www.K6RO.com - IP: 111.newark-10rh15rt.nj.dial-access.att.net
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MISC - Kenwood Remote VFO-230 For Sale
Kenwood Remote VFO-230 For Sale: - Apparently there are several remote VFOs that can be used with the TS-130, TS-530, TS-830, and others. This one is the "Top of the line." - The Kenwood VFO-230 external digital VFO provides maximum efficiency and flexibility for all operating conditions, including split frequency operation, by combining a 20 Hz step digital VFO and five memories. The digital display can show VFO or memory frequencies. - The VFO-230 is compatible with the TS-130 series, TS-530S series and TS-830S. It requires 120 VAC 50/60 Hz at 13W. A 20 inch VFO cable is provided that plugs into the rear panel. - Size is 7.2 x 5.3 x 11.5 inches and 6.8 lbs. - This one has the deluxe KB-1 "spining Knob" on it, which by itself goes for about $150. - This one works as it should. The digital display is very nice. Cosmetically, it looks close to new. - Buy it with paper work for $275, plus shipping from Florida. - Thanks. 73, Ken Simpson, W8EK Voice Phone (352) 732-8400 .
- Listing #1722958 - Submitted on 03/19/25 by Callsign W8EK - IP: fl-67-76-85-5.sta.embarqhsd.net
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MISC - "Blitz Bug" Lightning Protector FS
"Blitz Bug" Lightning Protector For Sale: - I am fairly certain this is a Cushcraft LAC-1. There are no markings on it to confirm the model number, but it looks like the Cushcraft "Blitz Bug". - It is used in your coax transmission line to protect against lightning and drain off static crashes. Of course it will not protect against a direct hit, but it will help in most cases. - It has an SO-239 on one end and a PL-259 on the other end (female UHF on one end and male on the other). - $15 plus shipping from Florida. Several are available. - Thanks. 73, Ken Simpson, W8EK Voice Phone (352) 732-8400 .
- Listing #1722955 - Submitted on 03/19/25 by Callsign W8EK - IP: fl-67-76-85-5.sta.embarqhsd.net
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MISC - World Wall Map For Sale
World Wall Map For Sale: - It is 33 x 23 inches, with the CQ zones outlined on the world map. - I looks like new, - It is $10, plus shipping, which should be minimal since it will fit in a large first class envelope. - Thanks. 73, Ken Simpson, W8EK Voice Phone (352) 732-8400 .
- Listing #1722954 - Submitted on 03/19/25 by Callsign W8EK - IP: fl-67-76-85-5.sta.embarqhsd.net
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- Some worthless person using the call K4SSS Robert Schools tried to get me to send $700 by pay pal for HF radio to account that they stated was his wife's account after a little research on the web found the trail of a rip off scammer don't fall for these scammers want to know more call 352 727 3356
- Listing #1722953 - Submitted on 03/19/25 by Callsign KS4PC - IP: h72.112.89.75.dynamic.ip.windstream.net
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TOWER - US Tower TX455 crankup
- US Tower TX455 with TRX80 raising fixture, CX3 coax arms, TB2 thrust bearing, M10 10-ft long 2" OD mast, T-base, KF7P hoist conversion. Upgraded Model 2550 manual winch for tilt-over. New cost today for this in excess of $10,000. Asking $6,000 OBO, pickup at my central Delaware QTH. Delivery possible in mid-Atlantic area.
- Listing #1721550 - Submitted on 03/08/25 by Callsign AA1K, Modified on 03/19/25, Web Site: http://aa1k.us - IP: 40.sub-75-192-186.myvzw.com
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