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KA9FOX Wishlist on

 BOOKMAG - Original Yaesu Manuals For Sale

Original Yaesu Manuals For Sale:
These are the manuals only. All are originals,
and not copies.
Most are in close to new condition.
FNB-9,10,11,12 Battery packs, $2
FC-757AT Antenna Tuner, $10
FRG-9600 VHF/UHF Receiver, $12
FT-100 HF/VHF Transceiver, $18
FT-470 Dual Band HT, $10
FT-707 HF Transceiver, $15
FT-720 R, 2 meter mobile, $8
FT-757 GX, HF Transceiver, $18
FT-991 HF/VHF/UHF Xcvr, Extremely good copy in binder
FT-1802 M, 2 meter mobile, $12
FT-2700 Dual Band Xcvr, $12
FTH-2005 HT, $5
FTS-8 tone squelch unit, $3
FTS-12 tone squelch unit, $3
MH-1B A2B speaker microphone, $2
VX-1 dual band HT, $10
These are original Yaesu operating manuals only,
in very nice condition.
Buy two, three, or four and take 10% off.
Buy five or more and take 20% off.
Prices do not include shipping from Florida.
Thanks. 73,
Ken Simpson, W8EK
Voice Phone (352) 732-8400

Listing #1721892 - Submitted on 03/10/25 by Callsign W8EK - IP:
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 MISC - Bluetooth interface for Yaesu radios  
Brand new Bluetooth interface for Yaesu ham radios. Plugs into cat port. YC1-BT
Brand new in sealed box. The and YC2-BT are CAT Bluetooth Wireless, self-powered CT-62 compatible interfaces. It will, just like a CT-62, let you interface your FT-100, FT-817, FT-857, FT-897, or FT-710 with your computer, laptop, tablet, or even cell phone!
A very Small form factor plugs into the back of your radio and is directly powered by the radio. SHIPPED FREE to lower 48, or pick up in Mount Airy, Maryland 21771. $45.00

Listing #1721806 - Submitted on 03/09/25 by Callsign K3MEJ - IP:
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 MISC - Digirig Cables Set Yaesu FT-8xx NEW  
Digirig Cables Set Yaesu FT-8xx
NEW - Never been used, opened.
$35 shipped to lower 48 states.
Separate MiniDin6 (1200 baud audio + PTT) and MiniDin8 (CAT control) coiled cables.
Cables, Cables for FM radios, Digirig Data Cables Tags: Alinco DR-735E, Alinco DR-735T, ICOM IC-207, ICOM IC-207H, ICOM IC-208H, ICOM IC-2720H, ICOM IC-2800, ICOM IC-2820, ICOM IC-7000, ICOM IC-706MKIIG, ICOM IC-7100, ICOM IC-9100, ICOM IC-910H, ICOM ID-880, Kenwood PG-5G, Kenwood PG-5H, Kenwood TM-251, Kenwood TM-255, Kenwood TM-451, Kenwood TM-455, Kenwood TM-733, Kenwood TM-733A, Kenwood TM-G707, Kenwood TM-G707A, Kenwood TM-G707E, Standard C5900, Standard C5900DA, Yaesu FT-100, Yaesu FT-100D, Yaesu FT-100DE, Yaesu FT-100DR, Yaesu FT-1500, Yaesu FT-1500M, Yaesu FT-7100, Yaesu FT-7100M, Yaesu FT-7800, Yaesu FT-7800E, Yaesu FT-7800R, Yaesu FT-7900R, Yaesu FT-8000, Yaesu FT-8000R, Yaesu FT-8100, Yaesu FT-8100M, Yaesu FT-8100R, Yaesu FT-817, Yaesu FT-817ND, Yaesu FT-818, Yaesu FT-818ND & more

Listing #1721747 - Submitted on 03/09/25 by Callsign AB2FA - IP:
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 RADIOHF - Trade/Sale: Flex-3000 w/accys
I have a Flex-3000 that is immaculate in appearance and works
flawlessly with no problems ever noted. It comes with mic, power cord,
and firewire card with cable. Am interested in trading for either
an IC-706MKIIG, IC-703+, FT-100(), FT-857(), FT-897(), FT-817/818.
If interested in buying I am asking $700 shipped CONUS. I accept
Zelle or USPS for payment.
Pics on request.
73 Carl AF9L

Listing #1721734 - Submitted on 03/09/25 by Callsign AF9L - IP:
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 MISC - Yaesu Crystal Filters For Sale  

Yaesu Crystal Filters For Sale:
I have a variety of crystal filters available
that fit Yaesu rigs.
All of these filters work 100% like they should,
and look great also.
The following filters are for the 8.2 MHz IF.
They fit the FT-1000 series, plus many, many others.
If you have a fairly modern Yaesu rig, they probably
fit, but check you manual.
Yaesu XF-8.2M-251-01, 250 Hz CW
filter for the 8.215 MHz IF. $75
Yaesu XF-8.2M-202-01, 2000 Hz SSB
filter for the 8.215 MHz IF. $75
The following filters are for the 455 KHz IF.
They fit the FT-1000 series, FT-890, plus many others.
If you have a fairly modern Yaesu rig, they probably
fit, but check you manual. As a general statement,
the filters for the 455 KHz IF are sharper, with
steeper skirts.
XF-455K-501-01 (YF-100)
500 Hz wide for CW $115
Prices do not include shipping from Florida.
Thanks. 73,
Ken, W8EK
Voice Phone (352) 732-8400

Listing #1721238 - Submitted on 03/05/25 by Callsign W8EK - IP:
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 RADIOHF - FOR SALE: Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark V eSSB  
Hello everyone, I'm selling my ESSB modified Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark V, 200W radio. It's capable of TX and RX at 6Khz bandwidth, it has the Inrad roofing filter mod, modulator audio injection mod, audio output mod. This is a one of a kind analog audio ESSB radio, only for the ESSB enthusiast.
But that said, I kept the original Yaesu roofing filters and if you wish to restore it back to stock you can, email me for info.
The radio is in fantastic condition aesthetically and electrically, only flaw is the attenuator knob not working on the -6 and -18 dB position, known issue with the Mark V.
It comes with the original double boxes, manuals, cables.
For more pictures please visit:
I'm asking $1500 plus actual shipping based on your zipcode, please, absolutely no offers or trades.
I'll take Zelle, Venmo or Paypal if you cover the fee.
Due to the delicate nature of the item there will be no return or refund. Thanks and 73!

Listing #1721073 - Submitted on 03/03/25 by Callsign KC9FFV - IP:
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I have available the following original flyers.
All prices include mailing in the USA.
Buy 2 or more and save 10%. Buy 5 or more and save 20%.
FC-40 - $6
FRG-8800 (4 pg) - $7
FT-50/10/40R (4 pg) - $7
FT-60R/E (4 pg) - $7
FT-77 (4 pg, 7 by 10 inches) - $7
FT-100 - $6
FT-100D (4 pg) - $7
FT-102 (8 pg) - $8
FT-207R - $6
FT-208R/FT-708R (4 pg)- $7
FT-209R/RH (4 PG) - $7
FT221 - $6
FT-227R (4 pg) - $7
FT-230R/FT-730R (4 pg) - $8
FT-250R/E - $6
FT-270R/E - $6
FT-450 (4 pg) - $7
FT-470 (4 pg, 3hole) - $7
FT-600 - $6
FT-650 (4 pg, 3hole) - $7
FT-707 (4 pg FOLDOUT) - $8
FT-726R (6 pg) - $8
FT-727R (4 pg) - $7
FT-757GX (4 pg) - $7
FT-817 (4 pg) - $7
FT-840 - $6
FT-840 (6 pg, 3hole) - $8
FT-847 (6-pg) - $8
FT-857(8 pg foldout) - $10
FT-875D (8 pg foldout) - $10
FT-897 (8 pg foldout) - $10
FT-897D (8 pg fold-out) - $10
FT-920 (6 pg, 3hole) - $8
FT-950 (12 pg) - $10
FT-980 (6 pg) - $8
FT-1000MP Technical Overview (44 pg) - $18

Listing #1721031 - Submitted on 03/03/25 by Callsign K3DUA - IP:
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I have available the following original flyers.
All prices include mailing in the USA.
Buy 2 or more and save 10%. Buy 5 or more and save 20%.
FT-1500M (4 pg) - $7
FT-1802M/E - $6
FT-2000 Series, New Product News (4 pg) - $7
FT-2000 Series (16 pg) - $12
FT-2600M (4 pg) - $7
FT-2800M (4 pg) - $7
FT-5200/6200 (4 pg, 3hole) - $7
FT-7100M (4 pg) - $7
FT-7800R/E - $6
FT-8800R/E - $6
FT-89090R New Product News (3hole) - $6
FT-8900R (4-pg) - $7
FTdx560 (4 pg) - $7
FTDX 1200 Series (12 pg) - $12
FTDX 9000 (8 pg) $10
FTM-10R/E (4 pg) - $7
FTV-650 - $6
FTV-1000 - $7
FV400S - $6
MD-200A8X - $7
VL-1000/VP-1000 - 3Hole - $6
VL-2000/VP-2000 - $6
VR-120D - $6
VR-500 - $6
VR-5000( 4 pg) - $7
VX-1R (4 pg) - $7
VX-2R/E - $6
VX-3R/E - $6
VX-6R/E (4 pg) - $7
VX-7R (4 pg) - $7
VX-8DRE/E, VX-8GR/E (4 pg) - $7
VX-8R/E (4 pg) - $7
VX-110 - $6
VX-120/VX170 - $6
VX-150 (3-hole) - $6
VXA-700 - $6
VXR-700 - $6
VXR-7000 - $6
ROTORS (4 pg) - $7

Listing #1721030 - Submitted on 03/03/25 by Callsign K3DUA - IP:
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 RADIOHF - For sale or trade Yaesu FT-1000MP MARK V  
Yaesu FT-1000MP MARK V for sale or trade.
Working, 200 watts of output.
Custom made power supply with more amperage than factory.
$800 plus shipping, only accept personal payments.

Listing #1720610 - Submitted on 02/27/25 by Callsign KO4HHY - IP:
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 MISC - FOR SALE: MANY parts for MANY radios
Hi all, I have MANY boards and other parts for MANY radios so I am listing the models of the radios that I have parts for. Some radios I have ALL the parts for it, some several parts, and some a few parts. Every part has been personally tested and removed from a working radio by me.I give fast and friendly answers and reasonable prices.
I have LOTS of feedback here on QTH and many people know me.
PLEASE e-mail your request and I will answer any and all. I have boards, front panels, front panel controls, filters, fans, wiring and more.
TS-950 series
FT-1000, FT-1000D
FT-1000MP Plain, Mark V Field + 200W
IC-751, IC-751A
And some other radios, just ask....
Adam Farber
W4AJFCooper City, FL

Listing #1720444 - Submitted on 02/26/25 by Callsign W4AJF - IP:
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