RADIOHF - FOR SALE: Yaesu FT-818ND with Tuner and
LOWERED PRICE!!! Asking $850 OBO Shipped and insured Yaesu FT-818ND 5W QRP Radio with LDG Z817 QRP Tuner The Radio covers HF. 6m,2m,440 comes with: Original BOX 2 battery's original hand mic 2 Power/Charge Cables LDG Z817 Tuner Nifty Manuel Side Rails Tie Down that keeps the tuner on top of radio all hook-up cables for radio and tuner. Everything works as it should I have made a ton of contacts around the world 5W QRP it is a fun radio to use and operate I bought the radio thinking I would go do POTA or SOTA but never did so I am selling it to fund my HamShack. I will send everything pictured and anything else I find for it. I am asking $850 OBO Shipped and insured. I accept Visa, Mastercard Paypal, Venmo, Cashapp my E-Mail is good on QRZ.
- Listing #1722837 - Submitted on 03/18/25 by Callsign W4IWX, Modified on 03/21/25, Web Site: http://www.w4iwx.com - IP: syn-071-087-247-018.res.spectrum.com
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MISC - Digirig Cables Set Yaesu FT-8xx NEW
- Digirig Cables Set Yaesu FT-8xx
NEW - Never been used, opened. $35 shipped to lower 48 states. SKU: FT8XXMOBILE Separate MiniDin6 (1200 baud audio + PTT) and MiniDin8 (CAT control) coiled cables. Cables, Cables for FM radios, Digirig Data Cables Tags: Alinco DR-735E, Alinco DR-735T, ICOM IC-207, ICOM IC-207H, ICOM IC-208H, ICOM IC-2720H, ICOM IC-2800, ICOM IC-2820, ICOM IC-7000, ICOM IC-706MKIIG, ICOM IC-7100, ICOM IC-9100, ICOM IC-910H, ICOM ID-880, Kenwood PG-5G, Kenwood PG-5H, Kenwood TM-251, Kenwood TM-255, Kenwood TM-451, Kenwood TM-455, Kenwood TM-733, Kenwood TM-733A, Kenwood TM-G707, Kenwood TM-G707A, Kenwood TM-G707E, Standard C5900, Standard C5900DA, Yaesu FT-100, Yaesu FT-100D, Yaesu FT-100DE, Yaesu FT-100DR, Yaesu FT-1500, Yaesu FT-1500M, Yaesu FT-7100, Yaesu FT-7100M, Yaesu FT-7800, Yaesu FT-7800E, Yaesu FT-7800R, Yaesu FT-7900R, Yaesu FT-8000, Yaesu FT-8000R, Yaesu FT-8100, Yaesu FT-8100M, Yaesu FT-8100R, Yaesu FT-817, Yaesu FT-817ND, Yaesu FT-818, Yaesu FT-818ND & more
- Listing #1721747 - Submitted on 03/09/25 by Callsign AB2FA - IP: syn-098-015-153-179.res.spectrum.com
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RADIOHF - 300Hz CW filter FT-817, 818,857, 897
- Taken from my FT-818 before its sale this is the filter people want to find.
300Hz CW filter built by Yaesu and in perfect working condition. $275 US Insured and trackable shipping from Canada to the US at my cost for a sale at the asking price. My information at QRZ or at ISED Canada is all accurate. Find me in SOTA's VE7 list of activators and chasers. Asking $275US
- Listing #1715719 - Submitted on 01/18/25 by Callsign VA7SGY - IP: d75-156-67-235.bchsia.telus.net
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