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W6LVP Magnetic Loop Receive Antennas - Over 1000 Sold
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RADIOHF - Dow Key Antenna A/B Relays 110V $20.00..

I have a dozen or so Dow Key SPDT RF Antenna A/B Relays. Sold all the Low Voltage 12V DC ones including the two fancier newer styles. All I have left is the 110V AC relay coil flavors. Switch rated at 1KW, from 1Khz - 1Ghz. Looking to get $20.00 each.
All item sales prices are plus Actual Shipping costs and any/all Buyers Escrow Insurance ~3.5% payment fees.
If interested in this GREAT DEAL, please call me on my landline. My Phone is connected to a wall jack with a wire - it's a old Black Rotary Dial Bakelite telephone. This number is NOT TXTable, so YOU CAN NOT send TXT messages or any MULTImedia data to it, just your own voice will do. (708) 387-72 Fiver Oner.
Ask for Gregory (K9OY), LAST Old Wife Xs. ANNE (OYN) does NOT LIVE HERE ANYMORE!
Gregory Gately (K9OY)
Broadview, IL.

Listing #1686659 by K9OY
Last Edited on 07/27/24
Submitted on 05/13/24
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Comet HFJ-350M and 160 Counterpoise Kit
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