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Ham Radio Books for the Icom IC-7300 and IC-R8600 by ZL3DW
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RADIOHF - Hermes Lite

Sale pending . Hermes Lite 2 basic radio without the Hermes Lite 2 Companion board . If your not familiar with the radio see Hermes Lite at
I purchased this as described on the web site April 20 2024 . I have original invoice . I am a former owner of an Apache Labs Anan 100 and a Flex 6300 so I have been familiar with SDR radios. This radio with the Thetis software and has been a blast to play with. The receiver is absolutely incredible ! With this being said I am going to part with the Hermes Lite because I recently purchased a used Apache Anan 200. The radio works as it should and Xmit around 6 watts out . I would recommend purchasing the companion board for around $90.00 for the kit. This is a bargain shipped for $200.00 . I paid $361.20 on April 20th 2024.
Thanks for looking! Jerry K0DU

Listing #1691719 by K0DU
Submitted on 06/25/24
Submitted from

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5KW Half-Wave Dipole Flex-Weave Dual Core Current Balun
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