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Wifi Antenna Switch, Wifi Rotor Controllers and more from AF6SA
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Ad Detail with Photo for Listing #1692642

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MISC - For Sale: Large Rack Cabinet on Wheels

In excellent condition. Has large 5” wheels (2 with brakes) - rolls easily even on low pile carpet. Dimensions: 67” floor to top and 61” actual cabinet height, 21” wide (outside) standard 19” inside, 24 ½” deep. Uses nut plates (included) and there are 21 holes/foot. Very flexible mounting options for front and rear support, shelves, etc.
Includes a removable rear door (not pictured).
Quad duplex AC outlet box with 14/3 ga rubber cable & plug.
Perfect for large heavy boatanchor gear or test equipment.
Pick-up only -- should fit in most SUV’s. Asking $100 - Still available if you are reading this ad. Will delete ad when sold.
73 Dave – W3NP

Listing #1692642 by W3NP
Last Edited on 08/02/24
Submitted on 07/03/24
Submitted from

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