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RADIOHF - Kenwood R5000 Classic Receiver

For sale is a classic Kenwood R5000 general coverage HF receiver, S/N 10200017. Aside from minor scuff marks it is in excellent cosmetic condition. I installed the DC conversion kit to allow cooler operation. Display is clear, and I have not experienced any key bounce or display issues. Stock filters. Included are the AC cord, DC power cord, copy of owner’s manual, 4 page color brochure, user’s handbook, modification brochure and various product reviews. Price is $485.00 plus actual shipping and insurance. No original box. Payment only through PayPal (I will cover fee) or Zelle. Shipping to continental U.S. only. Can be picked up at Berryville August 4 if prepaid. Sale is final, no returns.

Listing #1694073 by K3JTP
Last Edited on 07/27/24
Submitted on 07/15/24
Submitted from

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