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Epic PWRGate Power Gate from West Mountain Radio
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ANTHF - FOR SALE: 3 Ele SteppIR wi 6m, New Parts

3 Ele Steppir with 6m. Newer style EHU's all gone thru. LOWER PRICE7/28/24
Get one of these great antenna's at a great deal!
One EHU has 2 new tapes,the DRV EHU has new case, DIR Ehu had new tape/motor. All tested with new lines ready for install. The 6 fiberglass poles have 2 new coats of Rustoleum TopSide green-never in air. Newly bought Fluid Motion controller. Good rubber boots, and a new DB 25 connector.
****I will throw in 125' of new 17 conductor,22g control line.****
This line is around $4/ft from Steppir! Saving you over 400$
(Using this on my 4 ele steppir)
Boom, and fiberglass poles are put together. Can be assembled in hours. Trailer-able on boat trailer. Now $1000 , no trades.
NW La 71037

Listing #1695207 by K5SL
Last Edited on 07/28/24
Submitted on 07/23/24
Submitted from IP

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