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RADIOHF - For Sale FLEX 6700

I will be selling my 6700 is in GREAT shape, Serial number series is 3318 6700, Radio has V3.7.4 firmware, a NEW SD Card, also includes the Power Cord and Ethernet Cable, I do NOT have the Factory Shipping box's.
I can send Pictures to those interested.
I will take "PayPal" non friends and family only.
Price lowered to $4050 shipped and I'll pay the Pay-Pal %.
This is my Spare Flex6700 as I have another one I will be keeping, This Radio is in really good shape and works perfectly. It is covered 90% of the time and I turn it on about once a month just to keep thing updated.

Listing #1695416 by WX7Y
Last Edited on 08/08/24
Submitted on 07/25/24
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