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Ad Detail with Photo for Listing #1695570

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This pre-owned antenna analyzer is fully functional for .06 to 35 MHz and performs well for rapid check-out of an antenna, tuning an antenna to resonance, comparing characteristics of an antenna before and after specific event (rain, hurricane, etc.), making coaxial stubs or measuring Parameters, and measuring capacitance or inductance of reactive loads. It has a color TFT display, 6×3 keys on the waterproof keypad, was factory calibrated. It performs with consistency and accuracy without prior recalibration and has a built-in Helper at the push of a button. Includes original box, carry case, USB cable and instruction manual. More images available. This is in excess to my needs. $180 via PayPal includes shipping to CONUS. Insurance extra $.

Listing #1695570 by WO4O
Last Edited on 09/11/24
Submitted on 07/26/24
Submitted from

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