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Ad Detail with Photo for Listing #1697674

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RADIOHF - Wanted to trade *for* a FLEX-5000a

Hi All, interested in TRADING for a fully functional FLEX-5000a. I have an Alpha Antenna System FMJ Full Metal Jacket portable 6-80M Vertical Antenna System. Has the upgraded HD Tripod, Folding Mil Spec Antenna, Counterpoise Kit and the Padded Cordura Case.
Check out the reviews of this system!
Deploys in <5min, No guying, no taps no coils! I bought 2 in 2016 and have only have set this one up once! I use the other one for RV operation and have earned a true QRP, WAS award in 7 months of weekend only use. This system works FB!
My goal is to trade for/toward a Flex Radio 5000a without the 2nd Rcvr. MUST be 100% functional. Each pay our own priority shipping within CONUS.

Listing #1697674 by WZ6K
Submitted on 08/12/24
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Elecraft KX3 Heatsink / 14 volt 4 Amp Clean DC Power Supply
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