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14 volt 4 Amp Clean DC Power Supply / Elecraft KX3 Heatsink
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For sale or trade my like new in box FT-710 AESS. I bought this new last christmas as a present for myself. I've used it twice and put it back in the box. It's just not for me. I like my Icom radios better. It comes with everything as new. Still has the plastic on the screen. Trade for a 7300 in the same condition or a premium receiver or sell for $800. If I don't sell or trade it at Huntsville it will be $800 plus shipping. Tables 45 and 46. Thanks for looking!

Listing #1697838 by K4SI
Last Edited on 08/14/24
Submitted on 08/13/24
Submitted from IP

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W6LVP Magnetic Loop Receive Antennas - Over 1000 Sold
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