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Ad Detail with Photo for Listing #1698994

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RADIOVHF - ICOM IC-2AT VHF Handheld w . accs.

IC2AT- Low Hours -no dings, Receives well not sure about transmit, the tx light comes on when button depressed and immediately goes off. The accesories listed with this radio is where the value comes into play.
2- IC-DC1 Battery Adapter
2- IC-BP3 Battery Packs
1- IC-BP4 Battery Pack - Has fresh alkalines installed
1- ICOM Original Leather Holster
1- Belt Clip Option
1- Mono Ear PLug
Cleaning shack - $40.00 shipped USPS

Listing #1698994 by N4AX
Last Edited on 09/23/24
Submitted on 08/22/24
Submitted from IP

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