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Momo Beam - High Performance Durable Ham Radio Antennas
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Ad Detail with Photo for Listing #1699079

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TOWER - FOR SALE – Rohn RSL60L16 Tower

FOR SALE – Rohn RSL60L16 Tower
60-foot free standing tower, includes RASK12 ACC SHELF, RTP12 TOP PLATE, and THRUST BEARING. See photos below.
5 years old. Recently taken down, now on the ground in 10-foot sections, ready to load and haul.
The tower is down, disassembled into sections, and nested for transport. All the bolts, hardware, etc, are stored inside my shop. I have the engineering drawings and manuals for this specific tower, along with the original purchase invoice.
PRICE – $1,800 in cash you pick up at 71225.
DELIVERY – I will deliver for $1.00 per mile in a 500 mile radius; further distances may be negotiated.

Listing #1699079 by W5WZ
Submitted on 08/22/24
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