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Ad Detail with Photo for Listing #1700513

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AMPHF - PR 115VAC Generic Amplifier Blowers

Offering a fully functional pair of 115VAC high volume super quiet squirrel cage blowers. Suitable for trouble free cooling a single 8877 or a pair of 3-500's. The Dayton (smaller) 3" fan is the 4C760 unit brand new and in the original factory shipping carton. The larger 4" squirrel cage Ventilaire model B204T has been used satisfactorily to cool a retrofitted Henry console 8877 amplifier. Each has easy to mount 4 hole 3x3" mounting flanges. Heavy duty high volume and noise free. $60 for the pair + USPS medium carton shipping w/tracking. Otherwise USPS Money order. OK in Callbook Pay Pal OK if sent Friends and Family no fee.

Listing #1700513 by W2CQM
Submitted on 09/02/24
Submitted from

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