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Ham Radio Microwave Dish Antennas
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Ad Detail with Photo for Listing #1700836

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AMPHF - Henry Tempo 2000

Bought this a few years ago, took it over to someone that has a test bench to check it out, checked out all good did full power on a bird watt meter into a dummy load with about 80w pep in on ssb, QSO on ssb all the bands at his QTH,
i have the manual in a pdf for it, it runs duel 3-400z tubes wired for 220v but can be wired for 110v at 20A
asking $500 OBO , moving and this has to go!
local pickup in Deerfield IL
NO shipping this thing is heavy!

Listing #1700836 by KC9PDT
Submitted on 09/05/24
Submitted from IP

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