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Ad Detail with Photo for Listing #1701146

TOWER - US Tower MA-550 MDP Steppir Urban Beam

SteppIR 3 year old 6-40 meters 2 element
US Tower MA550MDP motorized tower with positive pull down. Purchase new This means it has electric motor it has the raising fixture and the tilt over base. Its complete . Antenna is Steppir Urban beam 6-40 2 element 17 ft turning radius and dipole on 40 with controller that will connect to your radio and SDA 100 controller with all options ,Antenna two is 2 meter antenna base vertical diamond 200 watts two runs off 150 ft of cable also Yaesu 800dx rotor with controller . IF you went today purchased the tower antenna sand the cables you be over 28K . selling 5000.00 easy take down boat trailer 18 ft main mast 20 ft do your research . Louisville KY Winter coming

Listing #1701146 by K4GY
Submitted on 09/07/24
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