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RADIOHF - 5 Vintage HF Rigs TX & RX

I have the following Vintage HF Rigs that are available only for pick up here in the North Denver, CO Metro Area. All of these will need varying degrees of restoration or are good candidates for parts. I can also deliver them to the BARC Hamfest in Longmont CO on October 6 at the Boulder CO Fairgrounds. I have full sets of interior and exterior pics of all of these rigs. Please feel free to write and I will be happy to pass them along via return email. If one party takes all of these the net cost would be an even $600. I may also consider trades for newer gear
Collins 75A2 Receiver $175
National NC 57 Receiver $50
Hallicrafters SX 28 Receiver $150
Hallicrafters HT32B Transmitter $175
Central Electronics 20A Transmitter $125
Thanks for looking. TLG KDØYX

Listing #1701763 by KD0YX
Submitted on 09/13/24
Submitted from

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