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ANTHF - HyGain TH-3 JRS triband beam For Sale

HyGain TH-3 JRS triband beam For Sale:
The TH-3 JRS is a three element triband beam for
10, 15, and 20 meters.
The "S" at the end means it has stainless steel hardware.
That means no corrosion or deterioration of any sort.
It is just like new!
It is presently packaged in four packages.
Everything is marked, so that you can put it back
together very easily.
HF Beam Antenna Band Coverage: 20, 15, 10 meters
HF Beam Antenna Elements: 3
HF Beam Element Material: Aluminum tubing
Antenna Power Rating: 600 W
Beam Antenna Boom Length: 12 ft.
HF Beam Antenna Boom Diameter: 1.25 in.
Longest Element: 27.25 ft.
Turning Radius: 14.8 ft.
Wind Surface Area: 3.35 sq. ft.
Beam Antenna Gain: 8.0 dBi
Beam Antenna F/B (dB): 25.0 dB
Band Bandwidth at 2:1 SWR
20 meters 225 kHz
15 meters 250 kHz
10 meters 1,100 kHz
This one in very close to new condition. It still shines!
With manual for $300 plus shipping.
Pickup in Ocala FL preferred.
Thanks. 73,
Ken Simpson, W8EK
Phone (352) 732-8400

Listing #1702259 by W8EK
Submitted on 09/16/24
Submitted from

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