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Ad Detail with Photo for Listing #1702260

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RADIOHF - MFJ 9030, QRP 30 m CW Transceiver FS

MFJ 9030, QRP 30 m CW Transceiver For Sale:
The MFJ-9030 is a 5 watt, 30 m CW transceiver
that is very light and compact.
It has a sensitive super-het receiver that has an
IF filter for great CW reception. The VFO is
smooth and stable; RIT is included.
Built in speaker; Motorola power amplifier
transistor delivers full QRP output and
tolerates opens and accidental shorts
without damage.
It uses little power - only 50 mA average on
receive and 1.2 amp peak on transmit.
Perfect for battery operation.
This one works as it should.
Cosmetically, it is like new, with no scratches
or defects. Buy it with paper work for $165
plus shipping from Florida.
Thanks. 73,
Ken Simpson, W8EK
Voice Phone (352) 732-8400

Listing #1702260 by W8EK
Submitted on 09/16/24
Submitted from

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