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Ad Detail with Photo for Listing #1702576

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RADIOVHF - TYT TH-9000 D 65 Watt 2 meter Transceive

TYT TH-9000 D 65 Watt 2 meter Transceiver
For Sale:
The TYT TH-9000 series of mobile transceivers
provide great value. Apparently there are
various "flavors" of the TH-9000. Some are
for 440 MHz, some for 220 MHz, etc. This one
is for two meters. It will receive 136-174MHz
and transmit 144-148MHz.
It has full Keypad Microphone, 200 Alphanumeric
Channels, and Cool-Blue Display Backlight with
3 Selectable Power Levels, DTMF, Keypad Lock,
Scan Modes & More! Requires 12-14Vdc at 12
to 14A.
200 Memories
50 CTCSS Codes
1024 DCS Codes
P1-P5 Program Keys
Keypad Lock
Auto Power Off
Large Adjustable LCD
Three RF Levels
25/20/12.5 kHz Bandwidth
Backlit DTMF Microphone
Voice Companding
Time Out Timer
This particular unit works 100% as it should.
Cosmetically, it looks like new with no
scratches or defects. Pristine! It may in
fact be unused.
Buy it with power cord, mobile mount, and
manual for $95 plus shipping from Florida.
Thanks. 73,
Ken Simpson, W8EK
(352) 732-8400

Listing #1702576 by W8EK
Submitted on 09/19/24
Submitted from

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