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Ham Radio Microwave Dish Antennas
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RADIOHF - Yaesu FT-890/AT HF Transceiver For Sale

Yaesu FT-890/AT HF Transceiver For Sale:
The Yaesu FT-890 is an advanced HF transceiver
covering 160 to 10 meters. The general coverage
receiver tunes from 100 kHz to 30 MHz. Power
output is 100 watts in CW, SSB, FM and 25 watts
AM. The FT-890 features IF Shift, IF Notch and
16-bit main CPU. It requires 13.8 VDC at 20 Amps.
This one includes the optional automatic antenna
tuner inside.
160-10 meters
Electronic Keyer
If Notch
IF Shift
Dual VFOs
Noise Blanker
100 Watts Output
Break-in CW
Speech Compressor
This one works like it should. From the box,
it appears that it was back to Yaesu, and has
not been used since.
Cosmetically, it looks like new, with no scratches
or defects.
Buy it in its original box, with power cord,
antenna tuner, and manual, for $550 plus shipping
from Florida.
Thanks. 73,
Ken Simpson, W8EK
Voice Phone (352) 732-8400

Listing #1702623 by W8EK
Submitted on 09/19/24
Submitted from

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Ham Radio Roof Towers from Carlson Communications
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