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TE Systems RF Power Amplifiers for Ham Radio VHF UHF 2m 220 440
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Ad Detail with Photo for Listing #1702642

TEST - LogicPort LA1034 34 Ch Logic Analyzer

Intronix LogicPort LA1034 500MHz 34 Channel Professional Logic Analyzer. This one was used for dev of CubeSat boards, reverse engineering of I/O drivers and forensic hardware analysis. These are well known workhorses. They are straightforward and reliable. Very helpful in solving many different types of problems. Made and supported in USA. Please ask any questions before bidding. Shipping in USA is free.
Please see:
for full description and software.
This includes the pod, the USB cable, one 34 channel input probe and 4 grabbers.
$199 shipped.

Listing #1702642 by KL7JT
Submitted on 09/19/24
Submitted from

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Full Color Photo QSL cards from KB3IFH
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