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Ad Detail with Photo for Listing #1702754

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RADIOHF - RRC-1258 MKII Control k3 RRC-1258 MKII Control Client Radio box- Elecraft - Kenwood etc.
$429.99 delivered - check or PP FF ok.
This is the hard to find side of the pair.
I use one of these at work to remote my home station.
If you want to remote your Elecraft k3 ,K3S rigs from work,or another location,you will need one of these.
This is what I use.
I have been asked for these many times,and did not have any.
You will need a 12v power source ,or a 12v source from your radio.
You can download the manual off the RR site to see exactly what you will need to do.
Please see pictures for more details.
Local pickup is also fine.
I can be reached through email if you have questions about this unit.
Larry K6RO

Listing #1702754 by K6RO
Submitted on 09/20/24
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TE Systems RF Power Amplifiers for Ham Radio VHF UHF 2m 220 440
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