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14 volt 4 Amp Clean DC Power Supply / Elecraft KX3 Heatsink
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MISC - Resistive Terminations For Sale

Resistive Terminations For Sale:
When making measurements, it is often required
that a precision load be placed in the circuit,
so that the measurement can be accurate.
These terminations provide such a load.
All of these terminations have been measured
and are accurate within a fraction of an ohm.
Grass Valley B7501TP
75 ohm, 0.1%, four available
$15 each
PL-259 Connector
80 ohms, $10
JFW, Model 50F-003, 3 db attenuator
BNC connectors in and out
DC to 2 GHz, 50 ohm, $20
Realistic 21-506 Dummy Load
50 ohms, DC-500 MHz, 15 Watts,
Large heat sink, similar to MFJ-261
Realistic 21-506 Dummy Load
As above, except measures 64 ohms, $10
BNC Connector, 88 ohms, $10
Prices do not include shipping from Florida.
Thanks. 73,
Ken Simpson, W8EK
Voice Phone (352) 732-8400

Listing #1702771 by W8EK
Submitted on 09/20/24
Submitted from

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TE Systems RF Power Amplifiers for Ham Radio VHF UHF 2m 220 440
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