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Ham Radio Microwave Dish Antennas
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Ad Detail with Photo for Listing #1702772

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ANTHF - MFJ End Fed Wire Antenna For Sale

MFJ End Fed Wire Antenna For Sale:
End-Fed Half Waves(EFHW) antennas cover multiple bands
without traps, stubs, or resonators. They have
the unique quality of resonating on the 1/2-wave
fundamental frequency plus odd/even harmonics
FULL HF Coverage, no tuner needed on most frequencies.
No long counterpoise, radials or feedline required.
Rugged weather-resistant 50-Ohm matching network.
Fast Setup and takedown.
Easy Storage/transport.
Stainless Hardware, UV resistant materials throughout.
300 Watts PEP power handling.
Typical 2:1 SWR Span
80M 3.65/1.1 3.5-3.9
40M 7.19/1.4 Full Band
30M 10.8/1.3 Tuner Required
20M 14.3/1.3 Full Band
15M 21.25/1.1 Full Band
10M 28.2/1.0 28.0-28.80
It is NEW, still in its original packages.
MFJ 1982 MP
Covers 80 thru 10 m. $85 plus shipping from
Thanks. 73,
Ken Simpson, W8EK
Voice Phone (352) 732-8400

Listing #1702772 by W8EK
Submitted on 09/20/24
Submitted from

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