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RADIOHF - Central Electronics 100-V

Looking for a winter refurb project ?? This might be an interesting one…
Already got or working on one? Great candidate for spare parts - it’s all there.
Serial # 823 — External cosmetics are very good, Topside looks very good
considering late 50s, early 60’s vintage. Was brought up on Variac and it does produce
output carrier of 10-25W (+/-) on 80-15M. Probably soft driver or 6550 finals??
It’s heavy - 90 lbs. — NO SHIP — Pick up in San Diego, CA - 92217 only.
( Bring a friend as I’m not able to assist in loading )
Price: $180.00 - Cash
Note: If no regional interest - will consider parting it out after the holidays -
(becomes shippable.)

Listing #1703607 by W6SDW
Submitted on 09/27/24
Submitted from

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Elecraft KX3 Heatsink / 14 volt 4 Amp Clean DC Power Supply
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