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14 volt 4 Amp Clean DC Power Supply / Elecraft KX3 Heatsink
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MISC - Bencher BY-1 Iambic CW Paddle For Sale

Bencher BY-1 Iambic CW Paddle For Sale:
The legendary BY-1 paddle has graced many ham
shacks worldwide. You set the spring tensioning,
with no adjustments to make other than desired
contact spacing. It has a light touch for sending
clean code, but is heavy enough to not walk
around the table.
The adjustment wrench is held under the base.
This one is the newer style. It works great,
and looks really great as well.
With paper work for $95.
Cable for paddles
This cable is about 3 feet long, and has 1/4
inch stereo connector on the end, like
used by most rigs. It looks great. $8
As above, but with 1/8 inch (3.5 mm) stereo
connector on end. $8
Buy the BY-1 with one cable of your choice for $100.
Prices do not include shipping from Florida.
Thanks. 73,
Ken Simpson, W8EK
Voice Phone (352) 732-8400

Listing #1703680 by W8EK
Submitted on 09/28/24
Submitted from

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© 2023. The Ham Radio Classified Ads website is Created and Maintained by Scott Neader, KA9FOX.

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