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14 volt 4 Amp Clean DC Power Supply / Elecraft KX3 Heatsink
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TOWER - New Hardline/Tower grounding kits

Ground your tower and/or hardline. These are (NOS) new old stock, RFS ground kits for 1-5/8" hardline cable, but could be used for other sizes. RFS part # 15579774. Will work on Andrew 1 5/8" hardline. Replace the end clamp and use on any size hardline. Resize the strap and use for grounding your tower legs.Kit comes with:
(1)one fresh roll of 2-1/2" x 24" butyl tape (Rubber coax sealer)
(1) one #6 copper ground wire w/lug kit and stainless hardware
(1) one roll of 3/4" x 66' black electrical tape.
(1) bag of wire lug & SS hardware
(1) five (5) complete kits for $69 shipped.
If you have any questions call 301-233-0910. Thanks, Dave N3EJ

Listing #1689541 by N3EJT
Last Edited on 07/20/24
Submitted on 06/08/24
Submitted from
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Wireless Remote Antenna Coax Switch from Green Heron Engineering
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