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Your New RF Component Superstore Connectors Cables Adapters
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ANTVHF - Parts: Homebrew Antennas. Tubes, Bracket

Radome tubes with brackets and hardware. Just $25 a set shipped. Clearing out a lot of my obsolete parts. Here are premium heavy-duty parts for making your own antenna structures inside the fiberglass tube. I have tubes and brackets at 1-1/2" OD and also at 1" OD. One set includes the heavy extruded aluminum bracket tube holder with mounting hardware, top and bottom caps as shown. These are our thick-wall tubes so the spacers that fit inside the tubes will need some sanding to reduce the diameter and fit snug. The 1-1/2" set I have 32" tubes and the 1" set I have 15" tubes.. I have some 8 FT long tubes at higher costs as well. Use Paypal or Zelle, my info in QRZ database.

Listing #1695172 by W4AWI
Submitted on 07/23/24
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