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Comet CAA-500 Mark II Commercial Grade SWR/Impedance Analyzer
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TOKYO HI-POWER HL-1.5KFX HF/6 METER SOLID STATE AMPLIFIER. Excellent physical and mechanical condition in original box with manual. Works on 120 or 240 volts, currently wired for 240 volts AC. 1000 watts on 160-15 meters, 850 on 10 meters, and 600W on 6 meters. Manual or automatic band switching for Yaesu, Kenwood, Icom and Flex Rigs. Non smoker. Used maybe a dozen times on HF and twice each year on 6 meter contest over the last 12 years. No interest in HF and 6 Meters. Needing a high power 300+ Watts VHF 2 Meter Amp. Paypal preferred. $2100 shipped and insured Lower 48 States. NO TRADES!!!k

Listing #1695203 by W5GDK
Submitted on 07/23/24
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