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Ad Detail with Enlarged Photo for Listing #1695665


ALL working and restored.
Invader 200 recapped, nice
Invader 2000 restored; PS rebuilt. painted, legal limit out.
Johnson thunder bolt 1, nice. Runs great
Johnson thunder bolt 2. Perfect, dahl iron
r12 speaker reproduction
r46B speaker
Globe king 500C.
champion 300. Nice
champion 300a nice
Yaesu 101 twins.
Eldico/reliant L-103 two-piece HF amp. Extremely rare
Eldico/reliant station console and watt meter
Swan 260 cygnet
Johnson pacemaker k1tli restored.
Johnson matchbox 250
Yaesu FT901
FTV 901
Alpha 76CA amp. Three tube, peter dahl transformer, new tubes. Vac relays. 2500 plus out.
374A two tube, new caps, new tubes, no tune. Looks new. 1500w out.
Hallicrafters splatter guard with sensing unit
SR2000 and P2000. Restored, new build, powder coat.
SX42, super nice
R42 reproducer speaker
Collins S 3 line. Transmitter, receiver, console, speaker, power supply. Farm fresh but nice. Needs cleaning and caps. 1 owner station with manuals.

Listing #1695665 by W7WRX
Submitted on 07/27/24
Submitted from
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