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Ad Detail with Enlarged Photo for Listing #1696187

AMPHF - Alpha 87A Excellent Condition

Alpha 87A, S/N 8702371418 with manual is capable of 1.5kW continuous RF output on all commonly used modes and ham bands from 1.8 to 29.7 MHz. Band change and tune-up are manual or automatic microprocessor controlled. Can interface with computer.
Capable of full power and full CW break-in (QSK) on all analog and digital modes. Very low usage and in excellent condition. A spare matched pair of Eimac #CPX800A& tubes available, sold separately. Prefer local pickup in NE CT. If shipped, buyer pays actual costs to CONUS. $3590 OBO plus shipping.

Listing #1696187 by K1YN
Last Edited on 07/31/24
Submitted on 07/31/24
Submitted from
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