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W6LVP Magnetic Loop Receive Antennas - Over 1000 Sold
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MISC - FS: BX-184M voice keyer KIT inc new mic

Voice Keyer Kit by DH8BQA (BX-184M)
Pre-assembled replacement-board (surface mount parts) for the
original PCB of the Yaesu-Microphones MH-31 (AND a new mic is included !). Thru-hole parts are installed by user.
The BX-184 voice keyer is one-of-a-kind: Fully assembled it’s small enough to fit into the Yaesu MH-31 enclosure but it’s also flexible as to be used with other transceiver types. The memory is large enough to store voice messages with a length of up to 60 seconds and it also got an endless loop function with adjustable pause (default setting: 3 seconds).
This is a new kit, not assembled, as received from Germany..
$60 shipped Priority Mail, PayPal OK

Listing #1698036 by AE0Q
Submitted on 08/15/24
Submitted from
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Cobra UltraLite Kid ham radio HF antenna from K1JEK
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