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Momo Beam - High Performance Durable Ham Radio Antennas
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RADIOHF - FS: TS-870S DSP $400.00

Hi Gang,
For sale is an exceptionally nice TS-870S DSP with original manual for $400.00 (FIRM) plus packing and shipping costs from zip 48009. It works perfectly.
I can send a series of close, and clear images of all exterior surfaces to interested parties.
I should mention that will be listing many radios for sale today to clean up before a move to a new home later this fall. I also manage a technology and work 60+ hour weeks and do not have time to dissipate interacting with tire kickers - first come = first serve/sale - HENCE THE RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICE.
Thank you,

Listing #1699392 by N7MSR
Submitted on 08/25/24
Submitted from
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