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W6LVP Magnetic Loop Receive Antennas - Over 1000 Sold
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Kenwood TS-711A two meter all mode that works great. Radio works 100%, all bulbs fuction. RF output adjustable from 2.53w to 25.7 watts. Dual VFO's. Built in AC power supply or can be run off a external 12vdc with a cable (I dont have the 12v cable). Exc phyical condition other than one scratch on top bezel. This radio has a real hot receiver. Read the reviews. With installed opts, VS-1 voice synthesizer and a after market CTCSS tone board. TS-711A Radio, TT hand mic, 120 VAC power cord. $395 plus shipping. 301 233-0910. Ask, I took many pics. Thanks, Dave N3EJT

Listing #1701143 by N3EJT
Last Edited on 09/14/24
Submitted on 09/07/24
Submitted from
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