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Momo Beam - High Performance Durable Ham Radio Antennas
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RADIOHF - F/S Yaesu FT-1000 200W Transceiver

Here is an FT-1000 200W rig in good shape. Has rated output on all bands. It has all the Filter slots filled with the exception of the 250Hz CW filter. It has the Band Pass filter unit installed. It has the TXCO-1 board installed. Asking $825 plus shipping (will be expensive, almost 70 lbs packaged) or I can meet up to 150 miles from my house in Central City, KY for additional fee (gas). I also have the matching speaker SP-5 available for $75 additional. (I will not sell the speaker alone unless it is not purchased with the radio) Additional pictures are available. Sold as-is with no returns. I accept PayPal, USPS M/O, Checks. See my other ads for more equipment. Bob WB2UBW

Listing #1701968 by WB2UBW
Last Edited on 09/16/24
Submitted on 09/14/24
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