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Ad Detail with Enlarged Photo for Listing #1702094

MISC - FS Atlas Radio 220CS Deluxe Console

This is the deluxe version of the 220CS console, which was manufactured in a limited number. In addition to the power supply and speaker, it also has the optional VOX module built in with front controls for VOX Gain, Anti Trip and Delay. The console also provides front panel connectors for the Mic, Key and Phone jacks. Also, front control On/Off switch as well CW/SSB switch selection. The Atlas 180, 210 and 215 radios slide into the console which transforms it into a complete station in one attractive and functional package. The power supply was also recapped fully, so should give many years of trouble-free service. You don't see those often especially the Deluxe units. $225

Listing #1702094 by N5FF
Submitted on 09/15/24
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