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14 volt 4 Amp Clean DC Power Supply / Elecraft KX3 Heatsink
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AMPHF - Sold Pending Ameritron ALS-600 AS IS

I have for sale an Ameritron ALS-600 Linear with the desireable Transformer 50v linear p/s. The amp presently puts out between 300-350 watts, and according to the Ameritron tech that I spoke to has two bad MRF-150 transistors. I purchaced a matched pair of MRF-150s from RF Parts in California with the intention of bringing the amp back to 600W, but ran into a very good deal on an Acom 600 which I bought.Other than the low output it operates fine at 300W. Price is firm for the Amp and new transistors $500 sorry,I will not respond to lower offers. Positevly no shipping. It must be picked up in Homosassa Florida. Sorry, I don’t trade!,or accept PayPal.73…Sold As Is no returns..Lew...W2LEW

Listing #1703093 by W2LEW
Last Edited on 09/28/24
Submitted on 09/23/24
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Switches, Band Decoder, Linear Amplifier Support
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