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Ad Detail with Enlarged Photo for Listing #1705492

ANTHF - For Sale: KIO technology 6band HEXX Beam

Please see the factory website for more details
Just added images from my Rig Expert showing the SWR on FT8 Freqs as of this morning.
I have a KIO technologies 6 band HEXX Beam for sale. 20-6 meters. About 2.5 year old, was on my tower for about 18 months, and disassembled the rest of the time. Metal and wires appear to be in good shape. Easy to get to in case you wanted to put an analyzer on it. I also have a spare fiberglass arm. Disassembled it will easily fit into car. Bring a package of gallon zip lock, so I can separate the elements and reflectors by band as I disassemble. I have cable ties so i can do the arms the same way. Please go to their web site and look it over. I was using it for FT8 and was stuck around 80 DXCC calls, got up to 160+ with this, even a few 6-meter QSOs! I also have an Alliance rotor and control that was completely overhauled by Norm's before I put this up. I'll be glad to take offers on it IF you want the beam. Price is $380 shipped.

Listing #1705492 by K7YOM
Submitted on 10/15/24
Submitted from IP
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