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TE Systems RF Power Amplifiers for Ham Radio VHF UHF 2m 220 440
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Ad Detail with Enlarged Photo for Listing #1706231

TEST - Db Attenuators and Filters $25 - $50...

I have a few dozen of these Db Attenuators and Filters,
manufactured by PolyPhaser, TeleWave & Decibel Corp. Some
are BRAND NEW, others not so.
Prices are as marked, in the $25 - $50 range, HUNDREDS -$100.00
OFF Watt they sell for BNew.
Please add Actual Shipping costs and any/all Buyers Escrow
Insurance ~3.5% payment fees.
If interested in this GREAT DEAL, please call me on my
landline. My Phone is connected to a wall jack with a
wire - it's a old Black Rotary Dial Bakelite telephone.
This number is NOT TXTable, so YOU CAN NOT send TXT messages
or any MULTImedia data to it, just your own voice will do.
(708) 387-72 Fiver Oner.Ask for Gregory (K9OY), LAST Old Wife
Gregory Gately (K9OY)
Broadview, IL.

Listing #1706231 by K9OY
Submitted on 10/22/24
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